A Salman Khan fan was arrested recently at the set of the movie Sikandar for shouting the name “Lawrence Bishnoi”. This incident has raised a lot of attention due to the ongoing tension between Salman Khan and Lawrence Bishnoi, a notorious gangster. Bishnoi has previously made public threats against the Bollywood actor.

Salman Khan and Lawrence Bishnoi Have A Long History

Lawrence Bishnoi, a well-known figure in the criminal underworld, has been involved in various criminal activities, including extortion and violence. He has openly claimed responsibility for threatening Salman Khan over the years. Bishnoi has alleged that Salman Khan killed a blackbuck, an endangered species, in Rajasthan during a film shoot in the late 1990s. This act is said to have angered Bishnoi’s community, which holds the blackbuck sacred.

The blackbuck poaching case had been a major legal issue for Salman Khan, and he was convicted in 2018 for killing the animal. The actor was sentenced to prison, but his conviction was later overturned by the Rajasthan High Court. Despite the legal resolution, Bishnoi has continued to hold a grudge against the actor, making public threats in interviews and on social media. He has claimed that he will not rest until Salman Khan faces the consequences for the blackbuck’s death.

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A Salman Khan Fan Gets Arrested For Screaming Lawrence Bishnoi At Sikandar’s Movie Set

In the recent incident on the Sikandar movie set, the fan’s actions were reportedly linked to this long-standing rivalry between the actor and Bishnoi. The fan’s shout of “Lawrence Bishnoi” during the shooting caused a disturbance, which led to his arrest. It’s unclear whether the fan was acting alone or was part of a larger protest or plan related to Bishnoi’s threats.

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The police have yet to confirm if the fan had any direct ties to Bishnoi’s gang or if the incident was merely a result of misguided admiration for the gangster. However, the arrest has drawn attention to the ongoing tension between Salman Khan and the criminal figure. Fans of the actor have expressed concern over the safety of their idol, with many fearing that the threat from Lawrence Bishnoi remains serious.

Picture Credits: Salman Khan Instagram

Is India Safe For Film Actors?

This event has also raised questions about celebrity security in India, especially given the history of threats against Salman Khan. Bishnoi’s name continues to surface whenever the actor’s safety is discussed, and there are increasing calls for stronger protection measures for public figures.

As of now, the Salman Khan fan is being questioned by the police. Investigations are underway to understand the motives behind the outburst. This arrest is just another chapter in the ongoing saga between the actor and Lawrence Bishnoi, which shows no signs of ending soon.

Salman Khan Keeps Getting Threats

The incident highlights the darker side of celebrity culture in India, where personal grudges and public threats can lead to dangerous situations. It also brings into focus the need for better security for stars like Salman Khan, who continue to face threats from various quarters.

By Admin_RJ

I love writing

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