Actor Rishabh Shetty and director Sandeep Singh announced their new project on Chhatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj on 3rd December, 2024. This historical film is set to release in theatres on 21st January, 2027. The project has generated significant excitement, as both Rishabh Shetty and Sandeep Singh are known for their successful work. The film is expected to bring the legacy of the Maratha warrior to life on the big screen.
Rishabh Shetty to reprise Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in his film with Sandeep Singh
Chhatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj is a revered figure in Indian history, known for his bravery and leadership. The film promises to explore his life and achievements, showcasing his struggle to establish the Maratha Empire. Fans of Rishabh Shetty and history enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the film’s release. The film is expected to offer a fresh perspective on Shivaji Maharaj’s legacy, highlighting his values and leadership qualities.
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Rishabh Shetty Is A Busy Actor
Picture Credit: Rishabh Shetty X, Previously Twitter
Rishabh Shetty is currently working on two major projects in addition to Chhatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj. The actor is busy with the highly anticipated Kantara 2, the sequel to his blockbuster hit Kantara. The success of Kantara made Rishabh Shetty a household name, and expectations are high for the second installment. Alongside Kantara 2, he is also working on Jai Hanuman, a project directed by Prasanth Varma. This film, based on Lord Hanuman’s story, is another exciting venture for Rishabh Shetty.
Rishabh Shetty Has Made Controversial Remarks Recently
Despite his growing success, Rishabh Shetty recently made headlines for a rash statement targeting the Hindi Film Industry. The actor criticized the way the industry operates, expressing his frustration with its practices. His comments sparked controversy, with many in the industry reacting to his words. Some supported his viewpoint, while others disagreed with his stance. This statement added fuel to ongoing debates about regional cinema versus Bollywood.
Rishabh Shetty’s remarks reflect the ongoing tension between the South Indian film industry and Bollywood. In recent years, regional cinema has gained a larger audience, challenging the dominance of the Hindi film industry. Many filmmakers and actors from the South have voiced similar opinions, calling for better recognition and respect for regional cinema. Rishabh’s statement is part of this broader conversation about the future of Indian cinema.
In addition to his acting career, Rishabh Shetty has become a vocal advocate for regional cinema’s growth. His success with Kantara and other films has placed him at the forefront of this movement. Fans and critics alike admire his commitment to storytelling and his passion for promoting regional cinema. While his comments on Bollywood may have caused controversy, they also reflect his desire for change and reform.
Rishabh Shetty Is Not Taking The Success Of Kantara For Granted
As Rishabh Shetty continues to work on Kantara 2, Jai Hanuman, and Chhatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj, his star is rising. His upcoming projects promise to further solidify his place as one of the leading actors in Indian cinema. The film on Chhatrapathi Shivaji Maharaj, in particular, is expected to showcase his versatility as an actor, as he takes on a historical role. Fans eagerly await the release of his upcoming projects and look forward to his continued success in the industry.